Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Moving forward with changes

Sooo, even tho I make a decent wage, it's next to impossible to raise three kids on my own. That being said, I'm not shackin up with the first daddy that sniffs around either.
I'm reducing the square footage of my world to somewhere around 33'x10'x15'. (for those of you that don't get it, a 5th wheel RV). I'm parking it on my mother's ranch, and going back to school to get my Bachelor's degree. It's not going to be easy for any of us, But mom and my sister are helping out, and noone could ask for more than that.
Luckily, I'll be able to still sew, knit, and crochet, not so much for the money than for my sanity. Working full time, going to school at night, and making time for kids' sports, my little boy's needs, and any social life I might squeeze in between is a tall order for anyone. BUT: If you know anyone that knows me, you'll hear a lot of nice things being said about my determination to make this work.
SO.. does this make me sound like a first class beeyatch? I don't care. I'm making up for lost time, and I intend to finish this race at the top of the heap. Think you can keep up? Or do you just wanna watch?

Friday, July 17, 2009


After being in the sweltering heat for a few days, something must have kicked into my subconsious. I've had an overabundance of ideas, designs, and experiments peltering around in my brain, screaming to be let loose. I have resorted to carrying around a note pad and it has filled with scribbles, sketches and notes.
The only thing detrimental to all this wealth I'm amassing is finding the time to make even a portion of them a reality. AHA! Note to add to notebook: Find a way to make MORE money while working LESS hours...

Look out world, here I come! Photos uploading soon, I promise>

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately. First, I started a new job that pays well, but the hours aren't there yet. It's a new surgery center, and we're waiting for the inspection that will get us busier. In the meantime, I forgot I had a blog. I started writing in my journal again, and that really helps me keep my thoughts in focus.
Several of my 'artquilts' have been accepted by the Donterra Artworks gallery in Sisters, Oregon. you can read my artist bio at:
There are some really great artists on display! I take pride in being a westerner. Talent runs amok around here!
I've also made a couple of good friendships since I started the job. It's nice to be able to look forward to a busy day with them.:)
Chasing around my son, Joe keeps me busy since his sisters are at their dad's house for a few weeks this summer. He's talking up a storm, but not speaking english. My brother says he's speaking Ewok...(Star wars freak)
Counting calories has been a big part of my day. There are 25 calories in one Hershey's kiss. Peanut butter has 100 calories per tablespoon! ACK! I'll stick to beer.
My living conditons are going to change drastically in the next few weeks. In order to save up money for school, a house, etc. I decided to buy a 5th wheel and live on my mom's property for now. I bargained some space from her so I could still sew so I won't lose my mind... I hope.
It will be worth it in the end, I just hope my kids understand why I'm doing this. I hope it teaches them how important it is to get an education and be self-sufficient so they can have the things they want out of life.
I'm still trying to figure out how to post pics on here at work. I have several to show you all.

I'll be here, blogging whenever I can. Miss you, internet. :)