I broke my own rule. #444: Don't start a totally different wave of projects from the ones you already have started. (Unless it's Christmas).
I found these beads at the local craft shop. They were just too cool to pass up. My co-worker G, fell in love with this one. She just wants it as a Solitare with black cord. I tried Crochet Nylon. It's too flimsy. So, will switch to black Silk cord and it should turn out really pretty. Especially wearing black. Her skin tone is Olive, and will be stunning on her. Focal beads are pretty popular right now.
I don't know why I think it's cool to post pictures of myself all of a sudden, because I tend to shy away from being in front of the camera. But with a friend like Jill, I lose all inhibitions. I figure this is one more step towards total self-acceptance with me as I am now, knowing I will not be the same me later. (make sense? if not, just think- "weight loss").. anyhooo... Jill is my Newest Best Friend Forever. She is my confidante, I can tell her anything. She knows me better than I know myself. She's helped me be a better me. I love that. I love her. This pic is from our workplace First Annual Training session. I was hoping for a bonus, but you know, the economy and all...
This is what happens when you get too busy to pay attention to your car. I was cleaning my car, (which hadn't been done in a LONG time..ew! I found a million french fries around Joe's car seat. they were neatly stuffed to maximum capacity around the seat belt slots..ew!) and getting ready to go to Tribal Night, (Tribal bellydancing. My exercise du Jour) meet my girlfriends, have a few locally made beers, and enjoy a well-deserved evening. BUT NO. Of all days in the days of my car's wonderfully reliable history, this is the day it chooses to not be reliable. Dead battery. It's like- I start getting texts- "where are you? " and I have to tell them "car" and they are like, "sure, right. flake!" I wanted to call a taxi. But living 15 miles out of town can put a dent in the beer drinking money. So, I decided to back up my story with this post. See, you guys? I was telling the truth!
By Saturday morning, the battery was charged. I sped down to Les Schwabs. New battery: $109. Peace of mind: Priceless.
Happy First Official Day of Spring! (well it was yesterday, actually but I didn't blog yesterday..I was having a Do Nothing day..(sigh of joy)