See that link? Yep. It is I, my dear Yarn Freaks, in person, showing you how I do the knit dance. Yes, it's crude, beginnerly and raw, but what the hell? You will learn how to knit. That is the goal. That is the plan. After that, you will learn to crochet. Then bead. And you can laugh at me as much as you want. I don't care. Know why? Cause I will be knitting. Making something. Contributing my knowledge to Cyberspace. I am in Neveah!
On another happy note, look at Joe with his new Pumpkin Hat!

I used Stitchin' Nation (why did she delete the "bitch" part? bummer.) in Clementine and whatever the green color is called. Oh yeah. "Thyme". it's "Full o Sheep" yarn, 100% Peruvian wool. Soft!
Look at the top! too cute!
Finally, here's Sadie with her friend, Sydney, Vogueing the spy pose in their Homecoming dresses. Such pretty young ladies! I am so proud of Sadie. She has become quite the young adult. I am so glad she is so much smarter than I. >snif<
I am working on another pumpkin hat to sell, as well as lining up Christmas gifts to make.
I am happy with the results of the Math test. I really really love this teacher, and SO thankful I understand the concepts this time.
Okay gotta get to work. Have a great Tuesday.