Sunday, February 20, 2011

skillz- I haz them

I have been knitting for years. Decades, actually. So, learning new stuff here and there was just a natural maturation of my needlework lifestyle.

But today. Today, I honored my knitting ancestors. Today, I have catapulted myself into the world of "expert" .(my opinion, by the way ;)

Today, I mastered the fisherman's "Filey" pattern from Gladys Thompson's Patterns for Guernseys Jerseys and Aran's. By which I mean, not the knits and purls, and patterns, but by which that I .. (pause for effect)...

cabled without a cable needle.

I rock! Oh yeah! Coolio me!!

Photos soon. I"m busy basking in my own light. If you felt the earth's temperature rise a degree or two, it's really not global warming. Nor is it the Volcano in Iceland. That was me, being awesome. ;)

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

to me from me love me

Valentine's day wasn't much fun for me. Nobody to send flowers, chocolate or the like. Most of the time that doesn't bother me.
This year it did.
I think it's because I will be 45. I think I am having a midlife meltdown. It is a process, and as long as I'm aware of it, I suppose I'll be alright.
(oh b.s., Marilyn. this is your heart speaking. I'm really empty. Tired of waiting for the right person to come along. What the hell, girl? You are running out of time!)

Excuse me. something got stuck in my eye.

My present to me:

Carolina Yarn Bell. Earth and Sky color. I want all five colorways.

Happy Valentine's Day, Marilyn. Keep it together, someone will find you. Never give up.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I finally ordered it! My Carolina Yarn Bell! I bought the "land and sky" version. I find it amazing how a simple piece of pottery will make my everyday knitting experience that much more beautiful.

And, Speaking of beautiful, Here's what I've been working on lately:

My latest quest is my new blog, . It is my way of making a few extra dollars as well as making a statement about how a single mom can go to college online without scholarships (since that little detail has seem to fallen behind in the scholarship community)

I have an average of three hats at a time on the sticks. I took a quick detour to cast on "Girl Friday" for my mom. I totally spaced out  the little chestnut of information that her birthday is next Monday.  I know. "dude! that's Valentine's day! HOW could you forget that!?!" I know, I know. My only excuse is that it's been a crazy weekend due to homework, sick boy, and worrying about how to pay for college.

I have a reclaimed stash of yarn from Drops called "Alaska" in color 36 (deep plum) saved a few years ago from a frogged sweater I was making for my brother's Ex. (Good thing I didn't finish it, eh? that yarn is NOT cheap).

So here I am, blogging furiously so I can get  busy on the project to try and furiously finish. The back is 81 stitches, 4" of k1,p1 ribbing to get done before I go to  bed. Better find another pair of size 8 straights. I could start the fronts and get the ribbing all done at the same time.. Then I could sleep four hours a night, stay up all night Friday.. nap saturday.. mumble mumble..yeah. I am certifiable.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Jack Skellington hat swatch #1. I hate it. 
1. I am going to just duplicate stitch the mouth because the floats are ridiculously long.
2. Need to do a better job making his face rounder.                                                   
                 3. And, for that to fit on a hat, I'm going to either make this smaller, or use a smaller yarn,  
                     therefore a larger gauge.
                 4. I tried this using Faire Isle technique, but forgot about later having to knit in the round. (DUH)
                      So, I will make the hat using intarsia. Which I haven't done in years.

Draft #2 on deck.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I followed a Mustang, Mercedes, Audi and a Porsche to work. I felt kinda cool. Then on the way home I followed.. well- "Smokey", "Needs pushed over a cliff" "Rusty" and "Mater". Kinda felt the opposite then. Well, actually, normal really. I drive a Chevy.

So anyway. Here is the newest member of our family. Jezebell was rescued from being taken to the pound (because her owners didn't want her for some reason). She didn't even have a name until we got her.

She has adjusted quite well here on the ranch. She loves tearing into my yarn stash. (I make sure she only gets into the acrylic ;)

My new favorite photo editing software is picnik. It's an online site where you can have all kinds of fun with your photos. I paid for the premium subscription and had fun making myself look pretty!

This is the latest version of the Mossy hat. I'm knitting this one in Debbie Stoller's Stitch Nation 100% wool yarn in Cream. Love the way it's turning out!

I am calling this my Therapy hat. I found the yarn at the local SHS (second hand shop) and even though it is acrylic, (Patons) it is very soft and I liked that I could cast on, knit one round of each color. Round and Round. Switch and switch. Very mindless and focusing for me. (I have been stressing a lot lately)

What more can I say? Debbie Bliss, you have a new customer. Soft, great colors. Fans, meet "Georgie", my newest crochet hat for my cousin's little girl.


These are my fans, Dusty and Randy. They came to see what I was doing. Jezebell had never seen horses, and, well, let's just say she was happy they were on the other side of the fence. Watching them at a distance was kinda cool to them.

So other news! I am officially and Oregon State Beaver!!  SO very excited to get that show on the road. I don't know how many of you are single moms, but working full-time and college part time is NOT working for me. I want to get it done. Overwith. Get a job that pays well and go live my life. I am ready to roll.

Happy Tuesday to you all!