Spring has decided to show up here in western Oregon. The Rhododendrons and Azaleas are blooming with a rich ferocity. It's good to see the birds back again, fighting over who is 'king of the feeder'. We don't have to worry much about squirrels, the dogs keep most varmints away.
My TrampyCat, Jezebell, had kittens on Friday the 13th. Four little black potatoes. So cute, yet I am not sure of the significance of all that. Or is there one? After all the hype over the 'Rapture'... sigh. Moving on.
This is my oldest daughter. It was her sophomore prom. She picked out the dress and her Great-Grandmother lent her the bracelet and necklace. I think she looked wonderful. Such a smart kid too. Keep an eye on this one. She's going to rock the world.
My son is going to start Kindergarten this fall. We went to the "Kindergarten Round-up" to give him a taste of what it will be like. Plus all the paperwork I had to do.. He seems to feel pretty comfortable with it. I'm pretty blessed to have a son like him.
I got a hat order from a customer in Dublin, Ireland from my other blog (http://1000hatproject.blogspot.com) and he was interested in colors so I created this photo. Fun! Plus I am totally stoked about sending something I made to another country. How totally cool is that!!
The Rhodies at my uncle's place are soo pretty!
These trees are in the parking lot at Jerry's, a locally owned home improvement center. Love it!
Jerry's had a whole line of these awesome marigolds. I wish I could have bought all of them. Love the color! I took a bunch of photos and played around with the editing on Picknik, a great online site for photo editing.
I now carry a camera and knitting with me everywhere I go. You would not believe how often I get the opportunity to work on either. For us hobbyists, it really is how you get the moment caught, or projects finished. You never know when the perfect time is right in front of you.
Back to the Books. Economics...supply and demand curves.. global trading... mumble mumble..