Saturday, August 8, 2009

I never knew I would fully understand the power of re-connecting with someone I haven't seen or spoke to in years until it actually happened to me. You have to hand it to these social networking things, it is a powerful tool for a person's business and personal life.
He found me on FB, and sent his telephone number. I texted hello, and we have been talking and texting, pretty much non-stop for a few days now. People, it has been 17 years since I last saw this guy. 17! That's a whole marriage by my reckoning. It gave me flashbacks to a more turbulent time in my life. Hot, fun, crazy, all the things that being young posesses. Wait. I sound like a country music song in the making! ..
Okay back on track. Has it happened to you? What were you feeling? What were you remembering? All those memories rushed back into my ever-so-structured life and all of a sudden I found myself being a BIG fan of texting, to the point where my teenage daughter told me, "Mom. You are acting like a teenager." I was all, like "So?" And she was all like, "Get real" and I was all like- wait..
Okay, so I was acting like a lovestruck moose, but are you kidding me? I haven't had any male attention since I kicked out my ex. All I do is take care of those around me. I'm finding myself acutely aware of .. me. Hmm not quite sure how to explain that other than I'm taking time to look in the mirror in the mornings, and realizing that- yikes- there's a little room for improvement. Yep, gotta drag out the exercise videos, shave once in a while, maybe even wear makeup. I even have been reading those ads for 'age defying eye gel' or 'butt-lift cream' .. hahaha. I even looked into how much a tummy tuck costs! Dating when you're older --hoi..But I have a spring in my step, a smile on my face, that "somebody likes me" feeling that I completely forgot about. It feels good. Damn good!
But then again, there's the other side of the situation. We're on opposite sides of the state. He's divorced, has a job, and a life, and has been dating. But the feelings are pretty hard to deny, and he has told me he feels the same way.
That being said, I'm still trying to build my life and have a life at the same time. How do you make that work? On one hand, I'm jealous of those that get to spend time with him on a daily basis. Does he feel the same? We have both decided to get to know each other again, but you can only convey so much through texting and phone calls. The next step is seeing each other, right? But between now and then, do I expect him to not see anyone else? I don't see anyone because- well I just haven't had the desire, or time, or..self-image to even try.
See what is churning around in my head? It's enough to want to quit right there due to the fact that he has really, truly rocked my safe little world. ( For the better, I might add). I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. This was something I needed and didn't even know it. It's working so far. Wish me (us) luck.
For now, it's back to the mouse wheel. Only now it seems much more fun to run on it!

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