Sunday, December 5, 2010

Even the crazy stuff works sometimes

I take my Pre-Calculus final tomorrow evening after work. Amazingly enough, I actually feel pretty darned confident about it. Been reviewing all weekend, and even with a 4x6" card for backup, I recognize how to do just about all the graphs, Logarithms, and rational equations. Maybe all this knitting and blogging is paying off somehow in the deep recesses of my neurological process. Well, that's all the big words I have for the day.. shall we move on?

My scrub hat pile at the Bazaar last Friday at Oakway fitness. There was a really good turnout, I sat next to the owner, Kris, who had a Pampered Chef table (love that stuff!). I was the only knitter there, most everything else was jewelry, birdhouses and  coffee. I am thinking of going back next year.

My second Mossy hat finished for a customer. She wants a  purple flower. This is Lamb's Pride 100% Wool worsted.

I am really liking this pattern. Still finalizing the details on the design before I publish it. I should find out how exactly to write a knitting pattern. Mine sounds like Mister Rodgers' version of knitting.. hee hee!

Mossy hat #3. This one is for Amy, my cheerleader and good friend. If you see her around Portland, compliment her hat! It's going to have a big red flower! What gets me is my camera and the color Teal never seem to get along. It's Jade Garden Lamb's Pride by Brown Sheep Company.

Mother's hat in progress. I think I blogged the kit earlier.. oh yes I did. working on this today. I want to get it done so she has something cool to wear since it has been pretty cold here.

 Now for the really cool part: I am on Ravelry, as some of you know, as desertflower66. I am in three groups so far, Oregon knitters, The WIP, and Self-imposed Sock Club (all hail the Harlot!).
I have been sortof bummed out because there hasn't been much activity on my blog, and started to wonder if other bloggers like me were feeling the same way. Then- SLAP! an idea hit me. Why not post something about it on Ravlery? I did, and so far have made several new blog friends! Here is their links:  Eugene blogger, knitter, ezine-er. Great eye candy!  Oregonian who has all the details. I mean ALL. love!  Professor who knits. Humor-iffic! knitter, designer, lots of info. Love! Portland knitter, mom, designer. fun! - blogs about life in Bend. great page!  some really good words about her creations. She has a cool "buy all things hand made" tag I'd like to have.. good lord! you need to see the chenille scarf she wove! eeee! WANT!

I Hope I got everyone. Anyway so far, it has been a wonderful adventure in getting us bloggers together, link up and spread ourselves around like cheap butter. Ahhh.. can you feel the  All Things Handmade love?
I love this. Just filled to the tippy-top with Love for all of this..(No, I won't sing Kum-by-yah.. ew)..
Never give up. Never Surrender!


  1. Good blog! Thanks for commenting on my blog, btw. I looked at your past post, too; cute kiddos and nice knitting! Catch ya on the flip side!

  2. Yeah ... finally getting a chance to come visit you :)

    What a lovely blog you have! Love the mossy hat. That yarn just looks so soft and the color ..yum! I mainly a crocheter and don't know anything about entrelac, but what a terribly cool checkerboard effect it makes. Gorgeous!

    I bookmarked you and will stop by again. I hope your pre-calc final went well!
