I'd like you to meet my cast of characters. They are quite a diverse lot, and you should be glad I took the time to track them down in the midst of their busy days to get a quick snapshot. You can ask for autographs or souvenirs, but that might get messy.
To start off:
This is the Old Man. He's been here since before we were. He's a short, wide Banty, sporting wizzened feathers and a cool disposition. The younger boys don't mess with him. He always has a girl or two around. Kinda like Hugh Hefner.
You will get a kick out of these two. The story goes- My sister ( a Vet as you all are aware) gets paid in 'animal money' now and then. She just couldn't resist these two. Oops and Dammit got their names when Marea said, "Oops, there's a rooster. Dammit, there's another rooster".
Oops and Dammit not only look horrid in these photos, but they look like that all the time. They are what my sister calls, "Frizzles", which is a genetic thing that causes their feathers to curl. (Humans have the same thing. Only I think it's called 'fro'). They are hysterical to watch, especially when they are chasing the hens. ("Go Dammit, git-er-done, boy!" might be heard every now and then, and you will know what is happening).
And my boy, Stalker McGee. What a sight. Tall, golden, Youthful. He and the Party girls usually hang out together. He's like Hulk Hogan was before he made that stupid movie. He can make it across the yard to do his business with the hens in 0.6 seconds. Zzzzzooom! Shazam! Done!. He's the only rooster that will eat out of my hand. He does get a little cocky once in a while and Old Man reminds him who the 'Real' boss is.
And here are the "Party Girls". These chicks have been independent little cusses since they chipped out of their shells. There are six. There should have been five, but thanks to the Chicken Patrol...(okay I'll stop). But still! The one that hatched those little buggers I saved the other day still hasn't taken the time to thank me.
Here she is folks. The Trampycat. Jezebell. Mouser extraordinairre. Gutter goo cleaner. Don't let that cute bell fool you. That's the last thing her prey hears before they die. "What the- "tinkle-tinkle" - CRUNCH." I just hope she doesn't start bringing home snakes. *shudder*
Here is Joe and Sadie's kitten, Jefe'. (Pronounced Hefay). Jefe is the most talkative kitten I've ever met. And the most likely to get stuck on the roof, in the trees, under the trailer, on the fence. Of course. He's the boy. And he's neutered. Hm... maybe the brains really are in the ..nevermind.
Nook. I am still not sure why she got that name. But this cat has been nothing like the other two. Nook is sleek and stretchy. I have picked her up a few times and thought I had a hold of a hairy snake. When the others are sleeping, she is playing. And vice versa. She wants to eat or 'come in' or 'go out' on the opposite schedule of the other cats. Just like her owner, Emily, waltzing to her own tune.
Ah, Luigi. What's not to love about an old horny goat? I have a list. You people owe me big time because getting this close to that goat was "gag me" material. I gargled my nose out and still can't shake it. Gah!
Okay, so he is sorta cute. Long beard, smelly, sad eyes, and he sings! OH. MY. GOD. It's Gordon Lightfoot! Actually he kinda looks like Bing Crosby in this photo. I say forget Italian and go French. Pepe' Le Stench might fit better.
Well? What do you think? Ready for some more stories? Me too! All I have to do is watch these guys.
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