Sunday, March 27, 2011

Turn the page

Oregon State University!

That sounds soo.. intelligent to me. I actually feel intelligent. Even when I do dorky, stupid things like "put something away" and cannot find it until I re-organize several months later, or fail to remember what I was going to my bedroom for. ( I call that "mom syndrome").

I start full-time tomorrow. Tomorrow! that sure flew up my skirt faster than I thought it would. I'm totally ready to get my goals started, finished and off to a new career that pays. Well. With benefits. And things like "my own house" and "my own driveway" and "semi-financial independence" and "kids college funds". Things like that.

Until then, I will be toiling away, neck deep in books, fighting for survival. Thank GOD for knitting. In the grand scheme of things, yarn is more satisfying than any $300/hr therapist. ( not that I need one, just sayin')

I finally got to a pair of socks that needed to be worked up a long time ago.

I had some leftover sock yarn and combined them to make a pair for Joe. Added to the Christmas box.

Have a great Sunday. I'm off to read other blogs I enjoy. (There a quite a few)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

tech writing is evil

Wowzers. I have been working on a final for my Tech Writing class and it is taking forEVer.
I write and write and write and write. Then I look at the word count "445" WTH!

     My son was watching "UP" and I could hear Kevin whining about pulling that house around with Mr. Fredrickson and decided to offer up my version:

‎*whiney voice* It's like a gangliojillion words long and my eyes hurt and my elbow hurts and I hate fonts and formatting and Times New Roman for the rest of my life and I will never be a tech writer unless the deepest circle of hell freezes over and OMG don't EVEN get me started with cut/paste bullshit...*whiney voice off* 

Did I say this was taking epic time status? mumblebacktostupidreportmumble..

But, you evil tech report, I have the upper hand, oh yes! I have a sock sitting right next to me at the computer desk that I can escape to and knit a few rounds and process what I am going to say next. I even ran away to my blog to enter this post. HA! You will NOT defeat me, evil tech report! I will triumph in the end, Yarrr!

Sigh. Now I have to get back to that endless, dreary, mind numbing, format helling, I-want-to-kill-something tech report... sigh.

Everyone ELSE gets to have a  great day. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

change is good. sometimes.

Well. How about that?
I'm tlot-tlot-tlotting along in the game of life, thinking all is well. I got registered at Oregon State University for Spring term. (yay!)  Ready to cut back hours at work. (yay!) Getting a decent tax return so as to pay off a few looming bills- including the car. (BIG yay!)
   Good old Fate comes at me from her toes with a left hook, blindsiding me. I was bracing myself, but still, one is never totally ready for a left hook from Fate. I don't care who you are.

My wonderful little boy has Asperger's syndrome.

The insecure me pretty much fell apart for a few days (ya think!?!). I got on the pity pot and sat. What could I have done different? was it me? It's all my fault. His dad was such a jerk. yaddah yaddah...
Then the tough me: "WTF!! This has to be somebody's fault! NOT mine! God, you are mean!" blah blah blah...

Then I did some research. I found a support group. I think I can handle it. I hope I can handle it. I am a mother after all. And a knitter. I love that little guy  like there's no tomorrow. I want to be everything he needs, because I'm all he has.

I remember a great quote from the movie "Duma".

 "Change happens. That's the way it is all the time. The little boy that is with me now is not the same little boy that left home. See? Change."  ~Ribcuna

                                                  Hat #10 for the 1000 hat project.

                                        My new mitts. Actually yes, they are for me!
                                                           How cool is that!
                                                Soy/wool blend. Very soft and almost shiny.

Even though I know I will have my weak moments ( I am human after all- just don't tell anyone), I know everything will be alright. I have to believe that, no matter what the change.