Tuesday, October 20, 2009


that guy I was texting? You know, the 17 year "FB reunite" thing? Well, seems that he wants to work things out with his ex. Fine by me, don't get me wrong. But, then. (okay can we see what's coming, ladies?) I get the eternal, "can we be friends"? texted to me a few hours after the previous news. (by text, of course). And, we ALL know what that means. The universal code for, "Can I use you as back-up in case this doesn't work?" NO! WHY does that NOT ever change?

Thus, currently,
I'm totally immersing myself in 'me' stuff. My children, my school, my work, my knitting, sewing, dancing, etc. NOT dealing with the 'relationship' stuff anymore. NOT worth my time. Sorry guys, just don't see what's in it for me. Can do just about all of it on my own. (well, then there's that. but - let's not go there, shall we?)

Still working on Christmas projects. Plus catching up on orders that were paid for eons ago, plus the horse blankets from the drill team still aren't done.

I need more time to do all of this.

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