Saturday, January 17, 2009

In which we filled up Pam's House

Our first day of the Knitiots from the Heart 2009 met at Pam's house, as usual. Virginia and I arrived a little early to set out munchies and arrange chairs. What we didn't expect was that an idea we came up with over a year ago September has turned into almost 20 members!

What a great feeling, seeing people I work with, in regular clothes, relaxed, knitting, crocheting, laughing, and learning. Normally, (well, sort of) we're busy, working, in scrubs, a certain amount of stress on our shoulders, driven. Surgery is a tough place to work. Even the ones from payroll in our group accumulate some stress.  Having the satisfaction of knowing I did something to make our little world better is an indescribable feeling.  I have a 'bucket list', and  I can already check off one of my entries! :)

We have a pretty diverse bunch. Some of us are close to retirement, and enjoy the social aspect of our monthly meetings. I heard a LOT of senior citizen jokes today..
 One young lady sat on the sofa, looking so uncomfortable. She has only two weeks left before her baby girl is born. UGH. I know that feeling. No matter how you sit down, lay down, nothing is comfortable. You just want that  little thing OUT! 
then there's the newbies. Just learning. all that yarn, needles/hooks, and trying to coordinate the hands and eyes to make things we see in those magazines and books. Hell, I've been doing this for almost 30 years now, and nothing I make looks exactly like what the picture does. Virginia and I were talking about how we get 'bored' with patterns, and add our own modifications. Not even a pair of socks look the same. I like to call it 'artistic license' or 'freedom of interpretation' ..
I've never really have been a by-the-book person. 
I've tried to teach the new one a thing or two about knitting and crocheting.. someone else always takes over. Although, I can say I have a monopoly on teaching the crochet. Most of  us in the group are knitters. Since I do both, I have that 'renegade' influence.

We're called 'knitiots from the heart' because  our founding members are employees of Sacred Heart Medical Center (since Aug 2008, Sacred Heart Riverbend), and we consider ourselves 'knitting idiots', because we LOVE to knit! (compress the words, you get Knitiot!) Our meeting place is at Pam's house, she has the most room. There's two huge copper cauldrons full of yarn, mostly from my acrylic collecting at yard sales and goodwills.. when we're not working on personal projects, we knit for local shelters, and other places of need. Scarves, Blankets, hats, mittens, gloves, etc.. anything works! It's always a great device for practicing new stitches and techniques.

I'm excited about this year, with all our new members and new things to learn. I made a resolution to actually make something for myself! I have yarn and a pattern picked out, just need to work it up!

Look out, 2009, here we come!

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