Monday, November 2, 2009

Time- or lack thereof

After reading a blog (okay, it's the Harlot's) about moms and how we selflessly sacrifice our time, and our interests for everyone else in our family, it made me think about how much time we, as mothers, do actually give up.
I'm going to school three nights a week. (to get a degree, to make better money, for the family).
I work a full-time job, (to make money to provide for my family)
I knit and sew and crochet and make stuff when I can (to sell, and provide nice things for my family)

I guide and correct my children, in order to (hopefully) raise productive members of society. which takes time. which is what I don't seem to have (above entries mentioned).

So, where do we, as mothers, actually get to do a few things for ourselves? And when if we do, why do we feel guilty? Is there some unspoken rule that says: You have had a child. Give up your life forever. The end. that's it. So everything that I might want to do, just for me, just for a little while, is.. bad?


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