Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cabbages are people too (sort of)

I took a whole day off from everything yesterday. (Other than breathing and body functions).

 I pretended I was a cabbage. Green, unwashed and not able to move without help. I really tried to be a potato, but I didn't feel very brown-skinned and lumpy. Carrot? nah. Not an ounce of sweetness in me. I had a whole day of Nothing all to myself. Rebellious, I know. I was all Thelma and Louise about it. Defiant. I even refused to KNIT. ( I know!! my hands didn't fall off either. Who knew?)

It's been quite a while since I had a date with Nothing. I tend to refer nothing as a "him" because- well, there aren't too many moms like me who ever experience a true-to-life, literal park-your-ass-on -the-couch-and-not-move-unless-you-have-to-pee activity. I was able to do so with several "lucky" factors in my favor:
1) Emily had spent the night at her friend's.
2) Joe's cousin is here to entertain him, and I had stuff pre-made to eat.
3) Wondering about the 'green' in my first sentence? Yeah. I was a little hungover too. That gets to be another post.

I don't have television per se, like the 800 channels of reality shows so many of you may be addicted to. I just can't justify losing those hours boiling my brain on witnessing other people's nasty habits. I do have a DVD player that tried to help catch up on movies I bought and  borrowed and haven't had the chance to watch. Maybe I'll get the rest of the 80's and 90's movies caught up someday. (Lost all those years to the Military, College and having babies).

What's funny is, no matter how many movies I need to watch, there's always that 'fallback' movie that I have.  I'm talking about the one you watch because no matter what mood you are in, or how hungover/sick/sad/angry/tired you are, it is the one thing you can watch all the way though, and it takes you completely out of your reality for a couple of hours, and you return feeling...better. Simply that.

Nothing was kind to me yesterday. He let me put my feet up, sleep off 8 weeks of study stress (and one too many vodka/cranberry juices) and the hoarseness that only comes from Karaoke, fried food and sitting too close to smokers. A rare luxury, indeed.

Of course, no amount of having my feet above my heart will ever get rid of Guilt. That guy is like a stalker. He won't ever leave me alone. Worse- like John Nash's apparitions in "Beautiful Mind". Worse yet. That guy on "Sleeping with the Enemy" (eeeek!)

I ignored him (like only a mom can do) and let Nothing un-scramble my brain and remove neck knots from my muscles. Guilt was sitting in the chair at the computer, staring at me. Jerk. I need to find a way to "off" him.

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