Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Orange and Grey

It is my sad duty to report a loss here at the old XY.

Yesterday morning I found young Fowler floating in Joe's 'pool' (a fiberglass puzzle-pieced shape pond that isn't put to use yet). Poor little guy. His mother, one of the 'party girls' is managing her loss quite well by focusing on the other four "Party Fowls" (baha!) she is responsible for. We will carry on.

(The question remains, though. Why the hell did it want to drink out of the pool when there is a giant, new 5-gallon watering jug in the pen? Some mysteries are not meant to be solved, alas.)

This morning, I was outside taking in the sunrise with some coffee, wrinkling up my nose at Luigi's nasty stench (The billy goat) that covers the grass like so much GB Serin gas, I see the four little orange feather balls out of the pen, blissfully combing the north side of the yard for bug breakfast. Little buggers, (get it? haha!) they keep getting away from mom, I mused. Then. I see a big grey thing out of the corner of my eye. Cat. Big cat. Big grey cat I don't recognize. Slowly following orange feathers. Biding its time like a cheetah after gazelle. Damn thing.

It hasn't seen me yet, so I sneak along the grapevines, my pajamas getting wet from the early morning dew (insert cool Mission Impossible theme music here) and stealth myself around the dog kennel. (there's a lot of me to 'stealth' around in. It was hard work.) I wait. Grey cat is still not seeing me (I know! I thought that was weird too. Stupid cat). I jump out at it from behind- it's about 20' from me, "RAGH!" "SSSSSSTT!!" I yell.

Cat got OWNED. It jumped about a foot doing that cool mid-air spin and took off like a drag racer. I laughed a hearty pirate laugh, filled with self-satisfaction. Stupid cat. I go let the rest of the chickens out so mom can catch up with orange feathered pain-in-the-butts.

Yet another chapter in my saga of the heroic Chicken Safety Patrol. This time turned out better though, because last time I saved one of those damned chickens (which, oddly enough- happened to be one of those Party Girls) I blew my ACL out. Huh? Huh? You seeing a pattern here?

Oh it gets better too. but you have to come back tomorrow.

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